Functional sacroiliac joint assessment

So finally we get to the functional sacroiliac joint assessment. It has taken so much searching to find a model that resonates with me. Is it accurate? Is anything 100% but I think it is close. Can the sacroiliac joints cause pain? Definitely, hence it is important to have a model that allows us to … Read more

back anatomy

Getting to know your back anatomy 101

When I ask people in clinic to point out where their back is I get a variety of responses starting from the neck, down to the pelvis and anywhere in between. To most the spine is a blurry picture of a structure that sits some where between our head and hips. If it is not painful … Read more

bunions and the big toe

Osteopathy, Bunions and the stiff big toe

The big toe, or Hallux to its friends, is one of my favourite parts of the body. This rather strange looking piece of anatomy, which is bolted onto our extremities and often forgotten about, is in fact a crucial power house when it comes to movement. With every step we take this joint (the metatarsal … Read more

Pricing Hastings

ServiceTime Approx.Price
Initial Consultation, Treatment & Bespoke Movement Plan (recommended)2 Hours£90
1 Hour Initial Consultation 1 Hour£50
Follow-up Appointment1 Hour£50
2 Hour Follow-up Treatment2 Hours£90
Hypnotherapy 1 Hour£50
Personal Training1 Hour£50

Pricing London

ServiceTime Approx.Price
Initial Consultation, Treatment & Bespoke Movement Plan (recommended)2 Hours£135
1 Hour Initial Consultation 1 Hour£90
Follow-up Appointment1 Hour£90
2 Hour Follow-up Treatment2 Hours£135
Hypnotherapy 1 Hour£90
Personal Training (gym members only)1 Hour£70